Author: Robert

  • Father’s Day Barbecue Wish List

    Father’s Day Barbecue Wish List

    Well, it’s hard to believe it’s already going to be Father’s Day again. So much has been going on and the time just raced by. I’m a dad who has also been in the barbecue business, having owned a restaurant for over 10 years. With Father’s Day around the corner, I’d like to share the…

  • Make Your Memorial Day Barbecue a Success

    Make Your Memorial Day Barbecue a Success

    Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor our American military personnel who have died in the defense of our country and our freedom. It also serves as an opportunity to gather with friends and loved ones to enjoy each others’ company, share memories or heroes we may have known. Barbecuing and grilling is…

  • Pork Butt vs Pork Shoulder

    Pork Butt vs Pork Shoulder

    Why Is Pork Shoulder Called Pork Butt? Contrary to what some believe, pork butt does not come from the back-end of a pig. The name has created some amount of confusion, and it is, in fact, a cut of meat from the shoulder of the pig. So why then is it called “butt”? Well, the…

  • SensorPush – Best Wireless Thermometer for Your Home or Restaurant

    Want to know how cool it is inside your refrigerator?  Or your freezer? Maybe you want to keep tabs on the conditions in your humidor from anywhere?  You need a wireless temperature sensor or wireless humidity sensor. Enter SensorPush. All of the reviews I’ve seen on the SensorPush have been from the point of home or…

  • Does BBQ Sauce Need To Be Refrigerated? 

    Chances are you’ve seen bottles of barbecue sauce on picnic tables or in a restaurant.  But does it need to be refrigerated? Most barbecue sauces you buy in a store are pretty shelf stable.  They don’t need to be refrigerated until they’re opened. You can keep them in the refrigerator if you want, but unless it…

  • How Long Can You Store Meat?

    Like many folks, we usually keep our coolers and freezers full of meats to have ready to cook when needed.  Mostly because we buy a bunch at a time to save money, but also to have it on hand, just in case. So, how long can you store your meat? Anyway, the question comes up…