
  • What Is Barbecue?

    Is grilling meat considered barbecue? This is a hard question and depending on who you talk to, you often get different answers.  For the real die-hard barbecue aficionados, in the strictest sense, they would say NO.  Why?  BARBECUE, COOK LOW AND SLOW For most folks, barbecue usually refers to cooking meats at lower temperatures for…

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  • Why BBQ? 6 Reasons to throw a BBQ Party

    It’s BBQ season again! Why not having a BBQ Party? Many people not familiar with the concept often ask why BBQ yourself?  It seems like a lot of trouble.  There is an abundance of eating choices out there, why bother? Well, there are MANY reasons why having a BBQ party is one of the favorite…

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  • Relaxing in our dining room 800pix

    Running a Restaurant, What’s It Like?

    What does a typical day look like running a BBQ restaurant?  Most people who have never worked in a restaurant before probably thought most of their time would be spent creating and cooking food, right? WRONG!  It turns out cleaning is the biggest task that takes up most good restaurants’ time.  A TYPICAL DAY OF…

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